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On Shannon Dube’s Viewpoints article calling for more women in education leadership
Travis Bevan
So as a male I should accept my odds of being a leader as only equal to the male representation in the industry? I would prefer we have the best people leading our schools and union no matter the gender. I don’t want to be hired because I am male.
Jennifer Anne
Perhaps this idea can initially be polarizing because some automatically assume it puts women against men. I’d like to argue that a well-run organization needs balanced representation as well as equity of opportunity. I’d also like to see a Council of Women be made up of anyone who has something purposeful to add the conversation.
Letters to the Editor
Editorial on UCP policy a ‘pointless commentary’
RE: editorial “UCP policymakers get it right,”
May 15, ATA News
I was shocked and dismayed by your editorial choices in the May edition of the ATA News. You skipped quickly over the United Conservative Party’s stated hostility to our profession and our union in one sentence. You skipped quickly over their stated hostility to our LGBTQ students in one sentence. You then lavished half a page on praising UCP delegates simply for retreating from resolutions to significantly defund public schools and do away with elected school boards.
Those were resolutions, remember, that UCP riding associations submitted and were approved for debate at their convention.
On top of all this was the appalling headline “UCP policymakers get it right.” What did they get right, exactly? Their goal of breaking up the ATA? Their goal of taking away an LGBTQ youth’s right to come out on their own terms?
There is a reason that “much will be said and written” about the approval of these resolutions. They are a clear indication of the UCP’s plans should they ever form government, and that should alarm every teacher.
To distract from that with pointless commentary on resolutions that were watered down or abandoned is a serious disservice to members. I am hurt that our members’ dues were used to mislead them. I strongly urge you to reconsider your choices and retract your comments in your next issue.
Danielle Kasimer
Teacher, Edmonton Public Teachers Local No. 37
Letters to the editor represent the views of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the position of the Alberta Teachers’ Association. |